Partner with us

The most effective way to promote your business on local radio is by becoming a Sponsor of Douglas FM, it’s cost effective and a powerful way to attract new customers. This may be simply to raise awareness of your business, or to promote a forthcoming event.

Sponsorship is the term used by Community Radio stations for promotional announcements, with restrictions according to the legislative requirements of the Australian Community Media Authority (ACMA). Sponsorship content is limited to a total of five (5) minutes in any hour, thus ensuring your message stands out and your business is recognised as a community-based business, providing services to the local community.

Your sponsorship helps support Douglas FM by providing an income to pay for running expenses and in return, Douglas FM recognises you and the services you offer. Apart from promoting your business and increasing sales, you’ll be supporting your very own local community radio station, something your customers will recognise.

Douglas FM provides our sponsors a perfect and uncomplicated platform to meaningfully communicate and connect on many levels, and an opportunity to support the local community by supporting Douglas FM and our volunteers. Connecting you with your community to drive growth in your business.

Not only our community, but also listeners who stream our music, will hear your message, and recognise your business as a trusted community minded Sponsor.

If you wish to partner with us, we would love to hear from you. Please contact our sales team now by completing the form below.

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